Top 10 Sources of Stress

Ask people why they’re stressed, and they’re likely to say that it’s these infernal deadlines or too much work and too little staff, or perhaps the family’s overpacked schedules. And while these can certainly add to a pressure-cooker atmosphere, they’re not really the greatest cause. At fault more than anything is the tremendous internal pressure and anxiety that we create for ourselves through the following:

1. Self-criticism. Tame your inner critic, focus on your strengths and forgive yourself.

2. Powerlessness. We are all powerful beyond measure. Open your eyes and see all the choices available to you.

3. Perfectionism. Do your best, but let the elusive “perfect” go.

4. Worry. Faith and action are the best antidote to worry, especially about situations we cannot control.

5. Unrealistic Expectations. Life can never be problem-free. Our outlook can.

6. Insecurity. What we need to be emotionally secure is inside each one of us. Stop looking to others to provide it.

7. Hurrying. Try walking slower, chewing slower and working at a steady, but not frantic pace. You might be surprised to find yourself performing better.

8. Comparing to Others. The question should be whether you have met your own standard.

9. Pessimism. When we expect the best from life, life has a way of handing it to us (even when it may first look like the worst).

10. Competition. Try turning every encounter into a win-win situation rather than a win-lose one.

I want to help you to remove your barriers to be a happy person.

You deserve to be happy and wealthy.

Reach me at [email protected] or [email protected]

Please contact Dr Jane Huei Chen Cheng at [email protected] for consultation. She likes to connect with you to have a session to help you live your best purpose and make more money. She helps many people to love what they do while enjoy your favorite life style.

Dr. Jane Cheng is a success coach to empower you to be happy and successful in your life and work. She believes everyone can better use gifts to double or triple income to live abundant life. She is a speaker, author, pastor, spiritual mentor, health care professional, professional counselor, and certified coach (health, wellness, life and business coach). Welcome to reach her at [email protected]

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Dr Jane Cheng created this article using partial of article from Clair communications.

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